Monday, July 1, 2019

Release and Return Home

On June 29, 2013 we were awakened about 4:30 a.m. with a call from our son, Jason.  We were heartbroken to hear that our grandson, Tyler Stuart, had been killed in an accident the evening of the 28th of June.  We were going to be released and come home on July 6, but with this news we were released and returned home on July 3, 2013.  We were anxious to get home to be with Jason at this most difficult time of loss.  We served in the temple starting at 6:30 a.m. on the 29th and it was amazing the "tender mercies" that we received.  As we arrived at the front doors we were met by Nick and Acia Chemozov and they gave us a beautiful painting of sunflowers that Acia had painted. We also received a beautiful note from Nick's parents, Sergei and Valentina.  None of them knew at that point that we had lost our grandson in a tragic accident.  Jay said that as he sealed that day in the Kyiv Temple he felt Tyler's presence.

Nick and Acia Chemozov.
Jason and Tyler riding the horses together.  We were so happy they had this time together.

The grandchildren practicing the medley of songs they would be singing for Tyler's funeral.

Brandon and other friends leading the procession to the cemetery on motor bikes.  387 was Tylers number.

Grandpa Stuart dedicated Tyler's grave.

These boys will all miss Tyler and the fun times they had.

Tyler's cousins loved him and will miss him.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

May and June 2013 in Kyiv

We loved walking along this horse chestnut tree-lined street.

A Babushka and her sweet granddaughter we met on the bus.
Ted and Marian were on a River Cruise and stopped in Kyiv and we met them downtown,
also with Karlene.

In May we went with Gary and Karlene to Lutsk, Ukraine and attended church
in the branch there.  This picture and the few following were taken that day.

As we drove to Lutsk we saw lots of stork nexts atop the poles!  We had never seem them before.

As we entered Lutsk we saw all of these bike riders.  They were having some kind of biking event!

Authentic Ukrainian Restaurant by the park in Kyiv

An Afternoon at the Motherland park in Kyiv, Ukraine with the Blacks and Hansens.

This photo and those below are photos of the wonderful Saints that came to the Kyiv Temple.

Here we are in front of the Temple with three of the sealers Jay served with and their wives.  From left to right, Jay and Marcia, Brother and Sister Shiyan, Brother and Sister Trusov, and Brother and Sister Vasiliev.  Brother Vasiliev was the first sealer called from Russia.

The next few pictures are taken at the Ukrainian outdoor museum in Kyiv.  We loved visiting there.  It was fairly close to where we lived.  Here you see a Babushka painting the house.  She is using corn husks to paint with.

There is nothing more exciting than meeting family at the airport!  We were so excited to have Joe and Kristen visit  Kyiv.

We had never been on such long escalators before visiting Ukraine.

The escalator's were surely better than walking the stairs.  Some of them seemed to go on forever!

Kristen standing by a famous statue in downtown Kyiv.

We took Joe and Kristen to this authentic Ukrainian restaurant.  Gary and Karlene Dance went with us also.

We had a great day seeing many sights in Kyiv with Joe and Kristen. Marcia loves yellow, so this was a favorite Cathedral!

Jay, Joe and Kristen in front of the Kyiv Temple.  So fun having them come to visit!

Dima was one of the temple groundskeepers.  We loved him and his sweet wife, Lisa.

One of Jay's favorite sealing patrons!
This photo and the ones following are pictures of members or our Ukrainian Ward.

The Callisters, Balls and Stuarts.  We all went to Ukraine together!

We spent a Monday afternoon at Sister Serduk's home and garden.

Sister Serduk with her husband and granddaughter.

Sister Serduk'a home was near the river.

Here she is explaining some of her plants.

Sister Serkuk's daughter and granddaughter.

We enjoyed a barbecue with the missionaries at the Lisenko's home.  They were a family in our ward.

Brother and Sister Lisenko on the right.

This photo and the one's following are some of the patron's we served the last few days of our mission.  These were all from Armenia.  President Nelson had just visited Armenia prior to their temple trip and formed the first stake in Armenia.

On my right is Masha Bystrova.  She visited the temple as often as she could, coming from Yaroslavl, Russia.

Jay with two Ukrainian brothers on our last Sunday in Ukraine.