Saturday, February 25, 2012

Potluck Dinners

Our first potluck dinner was held on Feb. 13, 2012.  Couple missionaries love potluck dinners!

DIGGING IN!!!!  Left to right; Marcia, J.D. Hancock, Ann Hancock, Owen Ose, LuAnn Ose, Pres. John Galbraith, Carol Galbraith.

At the head of the table Pres. and Sister Christensen.  Left to right around the table;  Brother and Sister Sherwood, Sister and Brother Ose, Sister and Brother Hancock, Marcia, Brother and Sister Callister, Sister and Pres. Ball, and Sister and President Galbraith.
From left to right:  Pres. & Sister Christensen, Elder & Sister Sherwood, Sister Vasil'eva, Pres. & Sister Galbraith, Brother Chistyakov & Sister Bodryashova, Sister and Pres. Ivanenko, Marcia & Jay.  Kneeling:  Elder Vasil'ev and Kirill Pokhilko (Temple Recorder).  Back Row:  Sister and Brother Hancock, Sister and Brother Callister, Sister & Brother Ose.

Jay with a pan of Jello.  Our assignment for the dinner.

It was a good dinner, our plates are clean.

From left to right;  Kay Black, Lynn Callister, Marsha Ball, Marcia Stuart, Tatiana Vasil'eva, Ilene Hendrick, Carol Galbraith.

Dick Callister, Jay, Brother that was Architect of Temple, Brother from Salt Lake, Mike Hendrick.

We were in charge of the September Dinner.  We had Chinese Sundaes, so you can see we decorated with flowers and fans.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the dinner.

The Vasil'evs and  the Shmatovs were in charge of the October Dinner.  As you can see it was an all Ukrainian Dinner.  It was great!!!

Sister and Brother Shmatov, with loaf of bread and salt.

Marcia dressed in her Ukrainian shirt with the Pokhilko family.  Kirill holding Arseni, and Nicka and Elena in front.

Arseni and Nicka Pokhilko.

Nicka always has her hair fixed so beautiful.  This is the November Thanksgiving Dinner.

We had a dinner just like at home.  Left to right around the table:  Sister Black, Sister and Brother Vasil'ev, Brother and Sister Shmatov, Sister & Pres. Terry, Elena and Kirill Pokhilko, Marcia.

Callisters, Galbraiths, Hendricks, Brother Black, Hansens and Balls.

Group Christmas Picture Dec. 2012:  Front, Pres. and Sister Ball, Pres. and Sister Galbraith, Pres. and Sister Terry.  Back, Elder and Sister Hendrick, Elder and Sister Shmatov, Elder and Sister Vasil'ev, Elder and Sister Ovsanyakov, Elder and Sister Hansen, Elder and Sister Stuart, Elder and Sister Black, and Elder and Sister Callister.

December Dinner:  Left to right:  Linda Terry, Carol Galbraith, Ruth Hansen, Ilene Hendrick, Ludmilla Ovsyannikova, Marcia, Tatiana Vasil'eva, Marsha Ball, Lynn Callister, Kay Black.

Marcia's birthday is in December, so she had to tell a little about herself.

Jay also wore his Ukrainian shirt for the December Party.  Looks like we were assigned Jello again.

Our new Christmas Eve attire.

January/New Years Eve Dinner.

Our dear Russian and Ukrainian Missionaries singing for us.
Sister Ball did our March Dinner.  As you can see by the table decorations, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day.

Brother and Sister Shmatov showing off their green.

Brother and Sister Vasil'ev also added a green touch.

We also dressed for the occasion.

Nicka Pokhilko looked darling as usual.

Sister Ovsyannikova, Sister Vasil'eva, Sister Shmatova, Sister Callister.

Callisters were in charge of our April Dinner.  Their theme was Tex Mex.

We were in charge of the May Dinner.  We decided to have a picnic.  Inside the baskets are juice box drinks, bag of potato chips, and croissant chicken salad sandwiches.

Sister Black, Sister Hansen, Marcia, Sister Galbraith, Sister Ball.

We had fun planning this party!

Along with what we had in each basket, we also had deviled eggs and veggie trays.

Everyone enjoyed our May Picnic

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ordinance Worker Dinners 1/28/12, 8/11/12, 1/19/13

Sister Bilchuk and Sister Cherenkova.  I loved serving with them in the Kyiv Temple.
Marcia with Sister Sherwood.  We also served together in the Ogden Temple.  Brother Sherwood is a sealer here with Jay.
Brother and Sister Chernuk and Bishop and Sister Gulko.
Alla Rublyuk, one of the secretaries in the Temple office and her husband.  She is really a sweetheart and speaks English, so she is very helpful to all of us.

Brother and Sister Maksimov.

Left to right:  Pres. Ball the new second counselor from Idaho Falls, Kirill  Pokhilko our recorder and Marcia.

Brother and Sister Rudenko.  They are a great couple.  They attend the Ukranian Ward in our building and have six children.

Sister Simanovskaya and Marcia.  You can see that they are a very loving and happy people.

Brother and Sister Shiyan.  He is also a sealer in the Temple.
On the right is Sister Katya Serdyuk.  She is really a cute sister and she is very talented.  She was in charge of the musical celebration prior to the dedication of the Temple.
Twins, Ina and Irina Kukuruza

Pres. Ball, Gary Dance and Jay

Sister Terry and I were in charge of decorating the tables
Karlene was always so helpful!
Waiting for dinner!
Here's the meat!

Sister Serdyuk and her daughter.
Sister Ball was in charge of the food and it was great!
Several of our dear temple workers!

Brother Chemazov and Brother Callister

Sister Serdyuk's granddaughter!

Marcia and Sister Fyoderova

Brother and Sister Maleznik and the Pokhilko family.

Kristina Kabanik and Irina Rudenko with their babies!

It was great having Gary and Karlene Dance in Ukraine with us!

President Kanchenko (our Stake President with his wife and the Bogdan family.

Marina and Roman Shipulin are in the front and their little daughter Eva.

Brother Callister with the Chemosov families.

Dima, Lida, Aleksey Mikhailuk, and Katia Serdyuk

Sister Vasili'eva serving deserts!