Holodomor Memorial. |
Another view of the memorial. These steps lead to the museum which was very sad! |
The end of June we took a bus tour of Kyiv with the Hendricks and the Blacks. |
We had a visit from Sister Bodryashova and Brother Chistokov and their daughter Olga and her husband Andre, and daughters Varvara and Ivana. |
Jay walking home from the temple. He did this 5 times a week for eighteen months. |
Marcia on her way from the temple to their apartment in the patron house. It was a short walk! |
We took Victor Merkelov to TGIF to celebrate his 31st birthday. |
We visited St. Andrews Cathedral again. This is looking down at the street below. |
Jay standing on the balcony of the Cathedral. |
Marcia with St. Andrews Cathedral in the background. |
One of the little ponies you see in the parks in Kyiv for children to ride. Jay was too big! |
Jay and Marcia at Prince Vladimeers statue. |
We visited the Chernobyl Museum with Karlene and Gary Dance. |
A summer photo of the Temple. There is a saying that a path of sunflowers leads to freedom. |
You see lots of graffiti in Kyiv. |
An archway leading down to several ponds on the property. As we visited this area we asked people we met about Krushchev and they acted like they had never heard of him. |