Sunday, March 12, 2017

Spring and Easter 2013 in Kyiv, Ukraine

We loved going to the Kyiv Park during the Spring.

The Motherland Statue in Kyiv.  Similar to our Statue of Liberty.
At Easter there were many exhibits of decorative eggs.

Large eggs as this were always on display.

Jay in front of another egg at the Kyiv outdoor museum.

Cute Babushka carrying her Easter basket to the church to have it blessed by the priest.
Young girls with their Easter baskets.  This was a very common site at Easter time.

Heading to town on the metro with Sister Hendricks, Hansen, Callister, Ball, and Ovsanyakova.
Visiting this gentleman with Sister Musienko's granddaughter.

Pavlina Ubyiko with us downtown, Independence Square, between Marcia and Sister Callister.

Standing on the steps of the building where the church was organized in 1991.  Back row left to right:  Victor, Sister Ball, Sister Vasilieva, Brother and Sister Ovsanyakor, Sister and Brother Callister,  Marcia, Pavlina Ubyiko.  Front row left to right:  Sister and Brother Hendricks, Sister Hanen, Sister Musienko and Brother Vasiliev.

Sister Musienko, her granddaughter, and Marcia.

Marcia posing with another statue.

Posing in front of the Kyiv Children's Theater.

Children's Theater.
Visiting our friend Alyona's apartment with Karlene and Gary for a traditional Easter lunch.
Church in the small town where Alyona lives.

This was an interesting site in the park. 
Alyona on left and her son Sasha on right.

Gary, Karlene, Alyona and Marcia.
Really old tree in Alyona's town.

Monday, March 6, 2017

March 2013 and Trip to Odessa with Pres. & Sister Galbraith

Jay at the door going into our Church meeting house.

Our Kyiv ward met on the second floor of this building.
Marcia at the door going into our church.

This photo and the three following show Jay teaching a group of students from an international school about our church.

Marcia's attempt at painting an egg.
Look how crooked the lines are!

This is the way the Ukrainians do it!  They were perfect!

A funeral hearse.

Firuz Muminov, holding up the shovel. One of our favorite ground workers.

The chapel on the temple grounds.

With our Bishop (Max Goryachev) and his family.
Our special friends Nick and Aisa Chemezov.

On the right, Ivanka Rubinchuk, with her mother, on the left and her Grandmother in the middle.

Sister Kanchenko, our Stake President's wife.

Sister Fedorova, Sister Galbraith, President Galbraith.

Elder and Sister Schmatov

Brother and Sister Chernuk

Our special friends, Dima and Lida Volkovsky

Getting a photo of Sister Kesil, our faithful temple patron. She is even smiling a little!

Sister Georgia Ricks, Marcia, Sister Ilene Hendricks at the Barton's apartment.

Jenna Barton's birthday party.
Katya, Alex, and Daniel Klebingat.

One of the dear Sister's and her husband that kept the Temple clean.

Katya Serduk, the Kyiv orchestra leader.

Max Trohiminko playing his trumpet.
Galina Trohiminko playing her Ukrainian instrument.

Veronica Rubluk & Trohiminko boy.
Family Home Evening with Roman, Marina, Eva, and Firuz.

Firuz Muminov, such a hard worker on the Temple grounds.

Dima, Marcia and Firuz.

Sister Galbraith, Presidnet Galbraith, and Marcia at a former Russian Missle Plant.

Marcia with two very decorated military men.
Marcia and Sister Galbraith in front of missile that could hit New York.
A truck and trailer to haul missiles.

Missile launcher.
Going to underground living quarters.

With another very decorated officer.
Goats along the highway going to Odessa.
Jay & I sitting at a cute table and chairs carved out of tree stumps.
Horse drawn carriages in the center square of Odessa.

Odessa Opera House.

Another view of the Odessa Opera House.

Government building next to opera house.

Beautiful tree-lined park in Odessa.

Odessa port where cruise and transport ships come in.

Large cruise ship docked at Odessa port.

The building where the Odessa saints attend church.  Love it!

Big transport ship coming in to port.
Marcia with Pres. & Sister Galbraith by the Odessa Port.
This photo and the ones following show the beauty of the Odessa Opera House.

We attended the opera, The Barber of Seville.

After the opera we ate at an authentic Ukrainian Restaurant. The entertainment was great!

Jay and I in the Odessa park.  It was a beautiful day!