Friday, January 27, 2012

MTC and Arrival at Kyiv, Ukraine Temple

Jay and Marcia with their Russian Tutor,  Patrick Walton.  They skyped with him twice a week beginning the middle of November, and were finally able to meet him in person at the MTC.  We were able to meet with him five evenings for two hours each time while at the MTC.
Some of the wonderful couples we met at the MTC.  On the left is Elder and Sister Carr from Mantua.  They are going to serve in the Atlanta, Georgia Mission.  The Tongan couple next to them are serving their eighth mission.  Elder and Sister Browne are going to the Fiji Temple, and the couple on the far right, Elder and Sister DeLeuwe are going to Holland.  The two young sisters in the front are instructors in the MTC.
The Missionary Couples in our District at the MTC and our instructor. Left to right: Elder Hawkes (our instructor); Elder and Sister Yeates from Virginia going to Malaysia; Elder and Sister Silker from Idaho going to North Carolina; Elder and Sister White from Pocatello  going to Washington D.C. Temple; Marcia and Jay going to Kyiv, Ukraine Temple.
By the front door of the Temple on Sunday night after a short meeting.  You can see it's snowing!!!

Jay and Marcia with the other couples we came to the Ukraine with.  Dick and Lynn Callister from Provo and  Marsha and Roger Ball from Idaho Falls.
Another picture in front of the Temple doors with the Callisters, Balls and Galbraiths.

Our apartment complex.  It is very nice.

We are on the second floor.  The two upper windows in picture are our apartment.

Our kitchen.  It's small, but has everything we need.

Our Living Room.  Again, it's small but very comfortable.

Our bedroom.  Just big enough for a bed and two nightstands.  They had us bring king size sheets, but we think queen size might have fit better.

Toilet and shower area.  Again, small but nice.

Our bathroom vanity area is also a hallway from the kitchen/living-room area to our bedroom.

Just a short walk from our apartment to the Temple.

Marcia by the front gate entering the Temple grounds.

Front view of the Kyiv, Ukraine Temple.

A couple of Ukranian brothers shoveling snow.  The one on the right is Vladimir, but we couldn't get the other brother's name.  Some of the outside workers and security are members and some are not.

The Chapel right next to our apartment building where we attend church.

Some of the very common cement apartment buildings you see in Ukraine. These are located right across the street from the temple.

This is a Home Depot type store near the front gates of the Temple.

Looking down the front walkway to the Temple.

Another group of apartments and stores across the street from the Temple.  There's not many cars on the street now, but it gets really crowded at times.  You have to go to an underground walkway to cross the street.

Looking at our apartment building from the Temple.

Looking in another direction from the Temple grounds.  Again, apartment buildings and stores.
This is a picture taken from a vacant field next to the Temple grounds.  On the left is our chapel, in the middle is the Temple and on the right is our apartment building.  Our building contains eight apartments for couple missionaries, housing for 72 patrons, a distribution center and family history center.

Kirill Pokhilko(the temple recorder) and Marcia in front of the Metro store.  This was our first shopping experience and Marcia was overwhelmed.  It was a Costco type store and very big inside.  We've been to a few other stores since and we are getting a little more comfortable with shopping.

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