Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 4, 2012 Marcia's Cooking Class and Jay's Sightseeing

On June 4, 2012, Sister Bodryashova gave us Temple Missionary Sisters a cooking class.  She is a wonderful cook and also a wonderful seamstress.  Her and her husband come and stay in Patron Housing one week each month and serve in the Temple each day.   While they are here she cooks up some really good Ukrainian food and gives us all some.

Here she is rolling our dough to make an apple dessert.

Sister Vasil'ev and Sister Brodryashova crimping the edges of the dough.  It was like apple pie with apples, cinnamon and sugar on the inside, but instead of pie crust they use a sweet yeast dough.
Cutting fancy palm leaf cutouts to decorate the top of the dessert.
Ready to go into the oven!

While our dessert was baking we made Vareniki (Ukrainian dumplings).  We filled some with mashed potatoes, some with a cottage cheese-egg-herb mixture, and some with strawberries.  You boil them in water and they are really tasty.

Our finished dessert.  It tasted as good as it looks!

Cooking the Vareniki.  Sister Sherwood and Sister Hancock looking on.
Sister Bodryashova patiently waiting.

She takes this cooking seriously.

After the Vareniki we made meat pies with the rest of the dough.  They too were really good.

Frying the meat pies. Sisters Sherwood, Callister and Ose looking on.

Sister Callister and Sister Bodryashova.

Statue of Prince Vladimir, the Grand Prince of Kiev and ancient Rus'.  In 988 A.D. Vladimir banished the god Perun and brought Christianity to Kievan Rus'.  He led the entire city down to the Dnieper River to be baptized.
Brothers Vasil'ev and Callister at the foot of the statue.  It was here on September 12, 1991 that Elder Packer dedicated the land of Ukraine for missionary service.

The two pictures above are looking from the statue at the Dneiper River and Kiev.

Another shot of Brother's Vasil'ev and Callister.

In front of St. Michaels Cathedral.
 The evening of June 4, we had our Temple Missionary potluck dinner.

We are certainly not going hungry!

To Marcia's right you see Brother and Sister Ivanenko and to their right is Sister Bodryashova and Brother Chistakov.  Ivanenko's served in the Presidency for 18 months.  We love these great Ukrainian Saints.

Visit to the Dnieper River, May 28, 2012

We headed downtown to take a ride on the Funikuler and take a boat ride on the Dnipro River.  We ran into the Page's from our branch and her parents.

From left to right:  Bro. Vasil'ev, Sister Tew holding Clark's hand, Bro. Tew, Lily, Tiana Page, Lynn Callister, Marcia, Steven Page and Dick Callister.

The Tews, from Centerville, Utah and the Pages.

This is the Funikuler train (blue roof) that takes us up the steep hill to the upper level of downtown Kyiv.

Marcia with Brother and Sister Vasil'ev.

Ignore Marcia's picture, but notice the cute girl sitting next to her on the Funikuler ride to the top.  She asked where we were from and we told her we were here serving in the Mormon Temple.  She had been to the open house and personally knew the architects of the Temple.
A view from a beautiful park looking down at the Dnipro River.

Taking the Funikuler back down to the lower part of town.

Looking from the lower part up to the upper part of the city.

Another view looking up at St. Andrew's Cathedral.  The right front corner is a MacDonalds.

Another view looking up.  We weren't able to find out what the silver arch represented.

Looking along the main road that runs along the Dnipro River.

The Dnipro.
Cruise boat.

Brother and Sister Vasil'ev as we waited for a ride on the boat in the background.

A small Cathedral on the River.