Sunday, June 24, 2012

Visit to the Dnieper River, May 28, 2012

We headed downtown to take a ride on the Funikuler and take a boat ride on the Dnipro River.  We ran into the Page's from our branch and her parents.

From left to right:  Bro. Vasil'ev, Sister Tew holding Clark's hand, Bro. Tew, Lily, Tiana Page, Lynn Callister, Marcia, Steven Page and Dick Callister.

The Tews, from Centerville, Utah and the Pages.

This is the Funikuler train (blue roof) that takes us up the steep hill to the upper level of downtown Kyiv.

Marcia with Brother and Sister Vasil'ev.

Ignore Marcia's picture, but notice the cute girl sitting next to her on the Funikuler ride to the top.  She asked where we were from and we told her we were here serving in the Mormon Temple.  She had been to the open house and personally knew the architects of the Temple.
A view from a beautiful park looking down at the Dnipro River.

Taking the Funikuler back down to the lower part of town.

Looking from the lower part up to the upper part of the city.

Another view looking up at St. Andrew's Cathedral.  The right front corner is a MacDonalds.

Another view looking up.  We weren't able to find out what the silver arch represented.

Looking along the main road that runs along the Dnipro River.

The Dnipro.
Cruise boat.

Brother and Sister Vasil'ev as we waited for a ride on the boat in the background.

A small Cathedral on the River.

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