Sunday, November 25, 2012

Shelly, Carrie and Marion Nagel's Visit to Kyiv

Carrie and Shelly arriving in Kyiv on September 28, 2012We were so excited!!!

A bit blurry, but that evening we went to the Kyiv National Opera House and watched the "Sleeping Beauty Ballet".  Brother and Sister Callister in front of us.  Karlene and Gary dance also went with us.  Karlene took this picture.

Prior to the Ballet, we went out to eat at the Krum outdoor restaurant in downtown Kyiv.

On our way to the Opera house we stopped to take a picture at the Golden Gate.

On Saturday, Sept. 29, we visited the Pyrohovo Outdoor Cultural Museum. 

One of the old wood churches at Pyrohovo.

Jay thinking about his barn at home!

Carrie and Shelly at the gate entering into one of the village houses.

One of the Ukrainian dance groups performing at the village the day we visited.

We had a good lunch at one of the restaurants in the village.  Karlene and Gary Dance spent the day with us.  The shadows on Marcia's face are quite attractive.

When Ukrainians take photos the women always pose.  We talked  Carrie into posing for us.

Shelly posing in front of another of the churches in the village.

Carrie and Shelly in front of one of the thatched-roof houses of the village.

In front of one of the Ukrainian painted eggs at the village.

Shelly and Karlene walking up a road in the village.

Another group of dancers.  They were older couples and were so cute.

A lady demonstrating how to paint Ukrainian eggs.  It looked pretty intricate.

Walking around Kyiv on Sunday Afternoon (Sept. 30) with Olga Chistyakov and her husband.  At times it rained pretty hard, but we still had a great time.

Here we are eating a snack of apples and walnuts that Olga brought.  We are approaching the Motherland Statue.

Carrie sitting by a statue and his dog in the Ivan Franko square garden.  The statue is of a famous actor in the Ivan Franko National Theater that was behind us.

Shelly sitting by the same statue.

Looking from Prince Volodymyr's statue across the Dnipro River at the Left Bank of Kyiv.

Shelly and Carrie went to Berlin for a few days and then came back to Kyiv with Marion Nagel.

Here we are in front of the Kyiv Temple.

Here we are on the Metro headed downtown.

At Independence Square in downtown Kyiv.

Another view of Independence Square.

Jay and Marcia at Independence Square with Carrie and Shelly.

A busy weekend afternoon on Khreschatyk Street.

Another view on Khreschatyk Street.

Carrie, Marion, Marcia and Lynn Callister coming home from church.

Shelly was a little behind us coming home from church.

In front of some of the Kyiv Temple gardens.

Marion and Marcia at the Lavra Monastery.

Marcia, our guide Helena, Shelly, Marion, Karlene and Carrie in front of St. Sohpia's Cathedral.

St. Sophia's square with St. Michael's Cathedral in the background.

Standing in front of the Babi Yar Memorial.  33,000 Jews were killed in one day in this ravine by Hitler.

In front of the Babi Year Memorial with our sweet tour guide, Helena.

Our picture with the Box Elder News Journal prior to Shelly and Carries departure.

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