Saturday, March 2, 2013

Holidays in Ukraine, Dec. 2012 to Jan. 2013

We tried to make our apartment look festive with a small Christmas Tree and a Ukrainian Wood-Carved Santa.

We also purchased a carved Ukrainian Nativity.  It was made by an artist in one of the villages.  The egg with Christ and the Lost Lamb was given to Jay on his birthday from the Vasilievs.

The crab apple trees on the Temple Grounds made it look Christmasy.  We took this picture for our Christmas Card.

Another Christmas picture.

We definitely had a "White Christmas".  In fact, we had snow from November into April.  A long winter!

Another photo showing all the snow!

The Nativity on the Temple grounds. 

Lots of snow!!!

Snow removal on the Temple Grounds is great!!!  Once you leave the front gate it is a mess.

Brother and Sister Clark and six of their eight children.  Brother Clark is American and met Sister Clark on the internet. They visited us on Christmas Eve and sang Christmas Carols for us.

This fancy shopping mall (Ocean Plaza) opened just before the holidays.   It has many nice stores and a large aquarium inside.  We visited it one evening with the Dance's.

Marcia, Karlene, and Gary in the main entrance.

Gary in front of one of the upside down Christmas Trees.

After visiting Ocean Plaza we went to Independence Square and Khreschatyk Street.  You can see the street is closed to cars and full of people.  Here a man has a little pony to give pony rides.

A large Christmas tree constructed of steel.  The lights are continually changing.

Marcia in front of the tree.

A little boy having a ride on one of the horses.

Looking down Khreschatyk Street.

Lights decorating the sidewalk on Khreschatyk.

Marcia with Khreschatyk in the background.

A Ukrainian Government Building on Khreschatyk.

On Monday, Jan. 7, 2013 (Ukrainian Orthodox Christmas) we went to a flower show at the park below the Motherland Statue.  They had over 1,000 different species of flowers in sculpted blocks of ice.

They had a large Christmas Tree and a stage for entertainment.

This was one of Jay's favorite!

This was one of Marcia's favorites.

Once there we met up with Jed, Jill, & Jessa Barton and Gary and Karlene Dance.

The Vasil'evs and the Ovsannyakovs were also there and we were happy to meet up with them.

Jay and Marcia all bundled up.

Jay with Father Christmas and the Snow Princess.

They had music playing and all the Ukrainian ladies were dancing.  As you can see, Karlene is right in the middle of it.

Marcia also joined in and it was great fun!!!

The Ukrainian ladies were all dressed in their fur coat and hats.

We had such fun!!!

This couple was part of the entertainment.  Don't you love their Ukrainian Costumes?

You see quite a few men playing accordions here.

The whole group singing.  Everyone was dancing below.

Karlene with three of our dancing friends.

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